Heads up to all: one-day sale on carinapress.com

Dec 23, 2015 11:19

Everyone, TODAY ONLY (that’s December 23rd), Carina Press is running a site-wide coupon code for 50% off everything in their book catalog. The code is DAY2315!

So if you haven’t read the Rebels of Adalonia books yet, today would be a very, VERY good time to go straight to the Carina site and scarf ’em. Here are the direct links to Valor, Vengeance, and Victory on the Carina site:

Valor of the Healer

Vengeance of the Hunter

Victory of the Hawk

And remember, these books are not standalone novels, so you need to read all three to get the complete story. Reading order is Valor, Vengeance, Victory.

And! Since the coupon code applies to everything in Carina’s catalog, if you see anything else up there that looks appealing, go ahead and stock up!

Mirrored from angelahighland.com.


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