Some of you loverly people have been kind enough to report in that you’re quite liking Valor of the Healer, for which I thank you from the bottom of my heart! If the spirit moves you, please consider rating and/or reviewing it somewhere suitably visible. It will help. At the level at which I operate as an author, word of mouth is critical to try to encourage others to boost my sales.
Amazon remains the best and highest visibility place to rate and/or review a book, but
Goodreads would be good, too. I haven’t gotten much yet in the way of ratings or reviews at Goodreads, and Amazon has nothing at all.
Also, don’t forget that if ebooks aren’t your thing, Valor IS also available as an
audiobook. Ratings and/or reviews on that would also be awesome.
And of course Faerie Blood is still available, and because Valor‘s selling for $2.99 at the moment, I’ve put Faerie Blood at the same price. So now’s a really good time to grab the ebook if you haven’t already. Also, I DO still have a small number of print copies available: seven, to be precise. The only way to get Faerie Blood in print is still to talk to me directly, so if you want one, do let me know. I’ll be happy to mail it to you! The best and fastest way to pay me for a copy remains Paypal.
Questions? Talk to me!
And as always, a roundup of everywhere you can buy both books is available on
Valor's official page and
Faerie Blood's official page. Thanks all for your ongoing support!
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