Wow, and update!

Mar 02, 2008 23:22

So after two Hawksley workman concerts, and a trip to Montreal and hang out with Nora, I think I'll be feeling good for a while :) Long walk talking really got me to clear my head a bit. Reminded me I don't have a bad life, and have lots to look forward to. Thanks momma!

Also, thanks to Nora, I'm giving up on soft drinks. Its been two days, and I even came home today to like, half a case of the stuff, but I've been choosing tea over it every time. I'm not giving up on caffeine, that would just be crazy! I don't usually add sugar, maybe honey and milk to chai, but it'll not be anywhere near the crap I get from pop!

My parents had babysat Haley, so it was a nice break for her (and Jess too for that matter, he's working weekends). I came back to Orleans to assist in installing the new floating floors in my old bedroom. Its about half done and it looks great. Makes me look forward to one day renovating my own place!

Jess and I have applied for a housing co-op. It'll be a stepping stone to living in our own home, giving us lots of space and not paying a crapload to usual rental companies for a townhouse. I'm looking forward to a yard, a bbq, and a washer/dryer!  We'd more then likely get a 2/3 bedroom place, and we'd pay about the same as we do to live in the slums in our crappy  apt. I'm getting sick of this place, and the shitty tenants they're letting in.  We might have to wait til summer for an availability, but at least its something to look forward to.

I've got a week off coming up, I'd booked it to celebrate our 5th anniversary.  Since we're being honest about our financial situation, it looks like we won't be doing a big trip or anything. I thought it might be nice to go to NY, but we cannot afford it. We'll at least enjoy some time together, and relax. The point is to remember why we're together anyways!
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