(no subject)

Jun 10, 2012 21:45

"No white, no snow-melt, no ice-bound lakes, just birdsong strung across a cobalt blue void."

Cos sometimes winter does that. I rode down to the beach today, which took all of 25 minutes, got myself a piece of grilled butterfish and chips for one (which, being a fish and chip shop, means two pieces of grilled butterfish and chips for a respectable-sized Italian family) that I ate on the lawn, then walked pretty much the length of said beach over the course of the next hour-ish looking for driftwood. Didn't find any, but I did get a bunch of pretty shells and rocks and a shard of mother-of-pearl so that went well.

GLORIOUS. The only way you could tell it was actually the middle of June was that nobody was in the sea except stupid dogs who'd lost their tennis balls, and all the people were rugged up in jackets and scarves. Much fish and chips on the lawn and kids running around with ice creams still happened, though.

Bummed around GW2 for about two hours when I got home, literally accomplished nothing but just ran around Divinity's... Whatever It's Called going OMG THE PRETTY. I found a sinkhole and a freaking STUNNING city garden and a little... memorial gravesite type place where there were no people and the lag was nonexistent, so that was nice. I will need moar ram for release, tho. One frame per second really doesn't make for great battle experiences. I died on a wurm :<

I've also spent $50 on skin shit to make my bacne go away. I WILL REPORT BACK. In, like, a year apparently. YEAH~ 'this time next year' seems to be coming up a lot in my plans. Looking for a house, full-time graphic design, 74kg/size 12, no more bacne, all of it is 'this time next year'. June will be a big time, apparently. GO ME.

Hot chocolate mix is going well but requires further testing. I've got the cocoa-to-sugar proportions right, just need to figure out the spices.

Now I'm going to reconnect with my formative years and watch Trigun because it's been TOO LONG.

winter, guildwars, adelaide, skin, beach, plans

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