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Jan 01, 2010 02:27

Happy new year!

I think Sydney's lead-up to the fireworks were more exciting than the fireworks themselves. They do a batch for 10 minutes at 9pm (I guess for all the kiddies who have to go to bed) and that was bloody impressive, seeing them going off all around the city, off the bridge and up and down the harbour. Then at 10pm and every 15 minutes from 11pm there was just one big lot that went BANG to remind you that it was 45/30/15 minutes to go. This big lot was, like, five or six HUGE ones set off from the ten or so vantage points along the harbour/city. Ver big, very exciting, very Sydney.

Then the actual fireworks, the ones at midnight, only went for 10 minutes themselves =( The GFC even hits Sydney's new year fireworks, it seems. Usually goes for, what, half an hour? 45 mintues even? Nope, all over by 12:10. Still, seeing the waterfally thing they do off the bridge live and in the flesh was pretty bloody awesome. And shooting them off in all directions from the bridge, with another display in front of me, one behind, one off to the right somewhere in the city, and the glow of whatever was going on the other side of the bridge... it was pretty spectacular you guys. Short sharp and shiny :D

Walking up George Street to get to the train station afterwards was kind of epic. Roughly half of Sydney was squashed into the street and sort of flowing towards the station in a kind of vaguely organised melée. But we got a seat on the train back, so yay :D

Also, today we made chocolate crackles :D They need more sweet, really.

OMG IT'S TWENTY-TEN :DD I repeat the saying of the day and ask, where the hell did the decade go?

edit~ oh also, I sent everyone messages but my phone's come back and said two didn't go through. Won't tell me which ones tho, so I have NO idea =/ If you're a love of mine and didn't get a message, blame the Aussie phone network XD; I DO LOVE YOU I PROMISE <3

new year, new year 2010, sydney

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