(no subject)

May 04, 2009 16:26

Welp, plastic bags at the supermarket checkout are officially banned. Only in SA, of course, cos we get subjected to weird things like that. So now the whole state is asking, as we have been since the announcement a year ago, what the frig do we use to line our bins with now? How many plastic bags ACTUALLY just get thrown out, without being used as bin liners, as storage for dirty clothes or bathers on the way back from the beach, covering up food to keep it fresh in the fridge, stop bugs from eating it on the mantlepiece?

And apparently all the greenies are pressuring other states to take up the bag ban. NO, REST OF AUSTRALIA, DON'T DO IT. It's more stupid than the upcoming ban on incandescent light globes D: (which IS nationwide. Yeah.)

Again, I say, I didn't bloody vote for 'em. Well, Mr Rann? What do YOU line your kitchen bin with, hmm?

lol adelaide, lol australia, rants

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