(no subject)

Mar 30, 2009 17:53

I'm~ not very good at updating when stuff is happening, am I? XD; HERE LOOK STUFF =DD

Mum~ has broken her fibula =( When she and Dad were in Tassie last week, she slipped on a twisty knobbly tree-root-rock-and-rain combination and has basically been hoping since then. She went to the doctor today tho annnnd yes. The rest of the family is now unofficially charged with keeping Mum from doing things. THIS IS HARD because she likes going to "just get her glasses" and ends up doing the washing up. Or "just doing her own ironing" then ends up doing all of it. I managed to steal the vacuuming from her over the weekend... then found out she was taking down the washing at the same time askjdghs

Also~ over the weekend, dinner party! Which means delicious food, of course. Not that we don't normally get delicious food, but this was three courses of it X9 And also nibblies, which I've just made up again to have with mojitos. You envy. I do love our pre-dinner drinks thing we have going. Always happens on a Friday night, uuuusually on a Saturday, then any other night during the week when someone feels like a martini or experimenting with a cocktail.

And I've been working lots, which is nice because Bruce went in for his 195,000km service on Thursday. NOT ONLY BUT ALSO, he's been having an Issue. Two weeks ago, while driving Colin to work and sitting at the traffic lights, Bruce turned off =( No ugly noises or anything, just turned off, and turning the key wouldn't even make the engine turn over. So we managed to use gravity to chuck him in neutral and roll into the servo which was handily enough right there next to us. Sat there going 'well, the actual car servicing spot doesn't open til 8, what now?' for a few minutes, then tried the key again, and voila, life. Hurrah! we think. Self-fixing car issues! And off we go to work/uni.

Thennnn when Mum and Dad were in Tassie, he did it again, only this time he wouldn't start again. This was on the freeway when only Colin had the car, so he rang me up and went DDD: a bit, I sympathetically went DDD: back, and we resolved to call the RAA. So, RAA guy rocked up, charged $165 for on-the-spot membership sign-up, lifted the bonnet, got Colin to turn the key, et voila, Bruce lives. aksdghalsk my poor brother DDD: RAA guy also pointed at something in the engine and said that's what was wrong, which made us both go DDDDD: summore cos yaknow, engine issues are EXPENSIVE.

HOWEVER. Service of around $150 included, it all came to $471, so we're not too irritated. There's always SOMETHING that comes up in addition to the basic service. There'd better not be for the next one, cos the 200k is the biiiiiiig service on its own. Growl. Hate cars. Why must everything about them be so expensive? ><

In happier news~ I got lots of editing done today, and made some headway with the plotting of book two =D I've got all the stuff I know down in relatively chronological order, so now the big gaps are more obvious and therefore easier to fill, or so we hope. Now I'm wondering whether to natter about this with Sallie and/or Shanra. On the one hand, it helps sort things out. On the other, I never like spoiling people XD; WE SHALL SEE.

And now~ I have things to read :DDD --or not because the oven buzzer's just gone off for my smoked salmon tarts. BUT. READING WILL GET DONE TONIGHT. ♥!

family, cooking, mum, sallie!love, silent harmony, bruce

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