Happy New Year!

Jan 03, 2019 00:09

My New Year's Eve was significantly smaller than it has been in previous years--just me, Mum and Dad with copious cocktails and the Sydney fireworks on telly. Still, was a nice, quiet evening.

Earlier that day I also bought a tray of pratia from the local native plants nursery, then planted them all down the front end of the garden. The place is in the middle of the Belair National Park and I had no idea it was there until Mum took me back in September-ish. Normally I get them from Bunnings for about $6 per plant. From this nursery, though, they're normally $4 per plant, and because I got the whole tray they did it for me at wholesale, $2.90 per plant. If only I'd known about this longer! This is pretty much the last I'll need to get of it, I hope. I've got them spotted all over the back area now, so it's up to them to grow into themselves. The far end, where I planted them in autumn, have pretty much covered the ground with just a couple of bald patches yet to go. I'll leave the whole lot for a year or so, then any remaining patches I can fill in with a few new plants. It's looking good, though, and there's enough there that I can walk on it. It's so, so soft and cool, much nicer to walk on than lawn. Love it. The only remaining garden plan now is calla lilies, which will go in where the daffodils are, but I'll need to wait until you can get bulbs of those. Daffodils come up in August, die back in October, lilies come up to replace them in October/November. It'll be glorious.

Meanwhile, my holiday is sliding away too quickly. Four days left? Seriously? I'd hoped to write a chapter or two at least, but I've only just been able to start on such things today. I did get all the memories added for
figjam and
yrae, so that's that off my back. God it was dull, though it did get me wanting to write again. I used to write a LOT of minifics, doing those 15min fics and such once a day for years. I also went a long, long time between chapters. Like, a quick chapter was a month, and that's when I was at uni and living with Mum and Dad. This year I'm hoping to hit chapter 20. I feel like last year I really hit the groove of how to consistently write chapters--write about them in the Spoiler Book before writing the chapter itself. It's amazing how many issues I could easily out in that time, instead of coming up against a block midway through page two and just waiting until it sorted itself out, usually four months down the track when I'd finally realise I needed to backtrack and start the whole section again. Now, though, I think I've got it. Let's see how this practice will apply to Steel.

Ummmmm... It's hot. I've been watering the garden every day over 30, which has meant every day since I knocked off work. Tomorrow is 41, so that's fun. (no it isn't). I will park myself in front of the cricket and hopefully bang out the rest of this chapter.

'narti originally stuck this at Dreamwidth cos she had to use it for something.

gardening, holidays, my house, writing, garden, silent harmony, summer

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