I am BACK in the land of the living. I WON NANO! Posted the final chapter last night while sipping on a celebratory spiced rum mojito at Horizons cocktail bar down at the beach, and it was just jolly delightful. Also gave myself an extra challenge this time of making 2000 words per chapter, so 60k by the end instead of 50k. Just cos. I've always felt the 1667-word chapters to be a bit short and 2000 felt about right.
It was fun! I preeeetty much had no life for the entire month of November, the house is a mess and I just spent the last hour and a half deleting banked up emails (not even actioning those that need to be actioned yet, that was JUST deleting them), but I really had fun. It's all up on
yrae for your reading pleasure. It fulfilled two of my storytelling method dreams of watching a character grow up from birth with each new chapter being another birthday for the character, and telling the story of the main character through the POV of the protagonist. And GOD it was fun. It has pirates, ladies being fierce, gay, sea dragons (not gay sea dragons, but there ARE gay pirates), treasure hunts, sexy ladies who I swear I will draw at some point annnnnd it's just a lot of fun. Would anyone be interested if I made it a Kindle file? Idk how to make it but I will if anyone wants it!
ANYWAY. I'm going to celebrate by tidying the house, having a looong shower, reading a book in the garden instead of writing one, doing all that email and banking shit I haven't done (haven't missed any bills or payments, though, cos I'm not that dumb) annnnnnd going to Brick + Mortar for lunch followed by Red Cacao for dessert.
One of the emails--or more accurately, string of emails--that I just went through was Mrs Patel signing up for an Oyster card using my gmail address. I had 'thank you for registering your Oyster card' and confirmation that her photo has been accepted, and now I'm getting information about bus route closures in London. Hopefully she figures this out at some point, but I feel like I'm probably going to get an 'I forgot my username/password' email some time.