(no subject)

Jun 15, 2018 22:55

Tada! Mostly. That was last weekend, tomorrow I'll actually plant the succulents (all five of them; Bunnings is lacking in succulents in winter) because the weather this week has been utter shit.

Last night, in particular, really gave meaning to the phrase 'bucketing down'. As I was driving home, just gotten over the roundabout that's about 3 minutes from home, few spots on the windscreen and FWOOM. Down it came. I slowed to a crawl, barely able to see the frigging road let alone anyone in front, just getting far enough that I was past the various intersections leading into--and out of--supermarkets, so I could pull over. Another two or three cars also pulled over, and a few more crawled past not much more than walking pace, probably also looking where to pull over. It was so intense. I've never seen rain that heavy before. It was honestly like someone was pouring buckets of water over the car for five minutes. So cool. Just wish it'd held off for a couple more minutes so I could've gotten home, but oh well.

As may have been picked up on last weekend, I've gotten back onto the fitness. In the first few weeks of winter, smart move. But I've kept it up so far! Gone for a fitness-walk every night through the week, even last night. Once the rain slowed and I could drive again, it'd pretty much stopped by the time I got home, then when I'd gotten changed out of work clothes and into trackie dacks, it was barely a drizzle that let up after less than a minute of walking. So I haven't had to go out in the rain yet, but holy BALLS it's cold*. I've managed to get out and do it, though, so if I can do it now then I should be able to keep it up. I still want to get down to 70-ish kilos, hopefully this year, but I mean, if I get to 78 and stagnate, then I'm done. I just know I can get fitter than I am, and it feels good to get there. So. I want to do that again :D

ALSO. Last thing. Electricity is so shitting expensive and irritating that I've set my challenge to use as little heating as possible. Haven't turned on the central heating OR the electric blanket yet, which I usually have done by early May. I've just been taking a shower as soon as I get home (and after my walk this week) to get really properly warm, then rug up in fuzzy-wuzzy pj pants, two pairs of knee-high bed socks and uggies, pj top, the thickest woollen jumper I own (Mum knitted it for me, so it's long enough to cover my bum), dressing gown and this huge fluffy, cuddly scarf. And it's working! I'm warm now, warm when I go to bed and get up the next morning... it'll be interesting to see how this impacts the electricity bill. Hmm.

Colin's birthday party night tomorrow! I haven't bought a present yet!

* roll with me here if you want any sympathy when you say it's hot ♥

fitness, diy, weather, my house, power, rain

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