(no subject)

Apr 11, 2016 21:36

Y'know what social media in general needs? LJ included? An 'I have read this' button. For stuff you don't necessarily have anything to add to or need to comment on, but just so a) the people who post it don't feel like they're shouting into a void and can also know they can launch right into discussion with the person who's read it rather than explaining and have them go 'oh yeah I read that post, moving on' and b) so the people reading with irritatingly busy lives don't feel quite so much pressure to comment and don't feel like such a dick when they don't. Because hey. I READ it I just have to go to bed in half an hour and I still have about an hour's worth of other shit to do. The 'I have read this' button. That's a thing that should exist everywhere.

Gran's 97th birthday was yesterday! We did a high tea for her up at Mum and Dad's and it was delightful. Also saw tiny babby Leo, my cousin's one-year-old, who just had his birthday the day before. 97-year-old outlasted the one-year-old by about 15 minutes. Go Gran!

Unrelated because tpyo gets like that when it's been a while, last Tuesday I went to see Kung Fu Panda 3 after work and it was beautiful. What a good movie. I got tears at the beauty of it, the this is what 3D animation is MADE for beauty of it. All the stylistic scenes and the spirit realm, swirling colours and papercut shapes, it was just so beautiful and uplifting. The whole thing was so happy and smiley. Even the perilous bits were beautiful and I loved it. Tomorrow I'll see Zootopia, and maybe I'll have enough points saved up to see Kung Fu Panda again in 3D because I think it'll warrant it.

Um. THE CROWS. I am loving my boys all over again. Not that this is any surprise to anyone who's known me five minutes, but omfg Eddie Betts you superstar. And Tex bombing it from frigging 60m like he's just passing it off to someone who'll then kick the goal but fuckit he's Tex he can kick it that far.

I have plans to develop my own calligraphic alphabet. I've got lowercase 'a' and associated letters (d and g, most of q but I'm not totally set on it) sorted. I'm also going to another day-course, this one being for brush lettering--with an actual brush rather than a brush pen that I've already been doing--so I can tie everything together! Then I might see about doing something on the side with it and my brush pen lettering! Pencils have always been my jam, and everyone does frigging watercolour, so I'll see if I can tie that in somehow.

Tomorrow I will call people about clearing the back area and installing the new tank. There. I've said it now it'll happen.

family, birthdays, calligraphy, crows, lettering, movies, gran, dreamworks

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