(no subject)

Jan 19, 2016 20:32

Listed the Shagna, finally, so that'll go up tomorrow after it gets approved, and then I'll be on the way to becoming around $3600 richer, hopefully. Right now I'm $135 poorer. Costs a bit to list a car. I listed the old phone over the weekend, too, along with relisting the 60s lights, so cross fingers something happens there.

I'm taking a break fro the portfolio to do all that stuff that I've been putting off because of the portfolio. This weekend I did as much gardening as my excuse for a garden can take, pulling up thistles and weeds from the crappy pavers and concrete and sweeping up the dirt and dead leaves, and cut off dead bits from plants that have dead bits.

Still on the list are various computery things, start organising people for stage one of the garden and sorting out insurance for home/contents, car and health. So that's fun. Really want to beat down a good chunk of that tonight.

OH AND! On Friday I got a lovely package from ladylight ♥ The Christmas card's up next to the tv now, and me and notebooks, man. I can't get enough of them. I don't know what to do with half the ones I have and yet I still get excited for more, especially beautiful Kazinian birdie ones X3 Thank you so much!

AND AND! Another package arrived last week at work from my Sallie featuring roughly a million Wii games, give or take. Most excited about my first ever Zelda game and also Donkey Kong because the first one way back for the SNES holds a special place in my heart. I am so special and loved ♥!!!

I should stop being stingey and turn the aircon on.

nintendo, alyssa, alyssa!love, friends, sallie!love, shagna ii, gardening, sallie, list of doom

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