(no subject)

Aug 07, 2015 19:06

YAY WEEKEND. I'm going to sleep in so hard tomorrow. I've had this lingering, fiddly fartarsey 'cold' for a week now. Slightly runny nose a little bit, and yesterday started hacking up a lung maybe 2-3 times a day, no achey tired or anything, but it's just Not Going Away. So maybe if I just sleep in that'll kick it. I hope. It better not still be lingering in a week's time, cos then I'll be Peeved.

List time! And all of this is specifically for tonight so my weekend will be free for writing :D

o Dinner, including the washing up thereof
o Taxes. Do it now and there's a slim chance you might get the refund while in Sydney! That'd be cool.
o Comment on stuff
o Wrap Alex's birthday present
o The In Tray
o Not that there's much, but tidy the bits of the house that need it. Take like 5 minutes but stick it on the list so you don't put it off.

That should cover it.

I also bought a new keyboard and mouse because I'm doing this white-green-kraft aesthetic as properly as I can and keyboards are cheap. It's quieter than the old Microsoft one, but I have to hit the keys just a LITTLE bit harder so every now and then I miss a letter typing. Something I'll get used to, I'm sure. It's very pretty, though. Speakers and scanner I don't know about, webcam I can probably do for cheap but it's that small that it'll only make a difference if I can do the monitor. Which. Pointless. I'n not replacing this one until it carks it. Buy a second for dual monitor setup, probably, but not ditching this one. It's great.

Wacoms don't come in white/green/kraft/anything but black and silver right now. See if they ever have a generation that does. Then I'll be tempted. I also looked into their wireless option, but it doesn't seem worth it. The battery only lasts like 6 hours (or something) and then you have to plug it back in to charge for about the same amount of time. So that's clambering under the desk daily just to get a cord off of it. Seems to be more of a travelling thing rather than a wires-off-the-desk thing. Anyway.

This whole white-computing-stuff thing will likely only happen as and when hardware fails and I have to replace the thing anyway. I bought a microphone to replace the one that's so old it's from when beige electronics were In, and it has largely broken. I'm told I'm very quiet, anyway. So new one on the way! It cost $4.23 but no reputable companies like Logitech or ANYONE make desktop microphones any more, they're all headsets. We'll see if the $4.23 with free postage from China is an improvement. Frankly I'm amazed they're not making a loss on the thing.

FOOTY TIME. Cos like hell I'm watching the cricket tonight =|

winter, weather, my house, sick, list of doom

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