I don’t read the Buffy comics, though I do read reviews, recaps, discussions and any panels I can find. I’ve heard about and/or seen most of the Spuffy panels from #8.
I completely agree with you. To see him hanging around Buffy hoping for a crumb well it demeans all he has accomplished for himself. In my opinion she is doing to him what Angel did to her. Angel always dangled that carrot that eventually they could be together and she is in her own way, by leaning on him all the time, dangling the same carrot to Spike. It wasn't right for Angel to do it to her, it left her the emotionally stunted woman we have now and it isn't right to do it to Spike. I love Spike, but I'm not blind to his past. That said he has come so far and he deserves to have someone love him the way he loves others. He has earned it and it would be wonderful if the two of them got it right at the same time and managed to be together in anything more than him pining away for her silently at her side. But if the writers aren't going to do that they need to let him move on. That doesn't mean he stops loving her, just that he is able to have that love as a memory and move on to someone in the present. Someone who can appreciate all he has done. All of us have someone we loved in the past, we keep that feeling in our hearts but we can let new people in. And he should be allowed to do that. It makes him a sad caricature of himself, Spike is a let nothing stand in his way, run over the obstacles kind of guy so for him to just sit and wait around for her to decide what she wants. It seems highly out of character. We all know he hates waiting! And here he is waiting years for her to love him? I mean 'Love's Bitch' is one thing, 'Love's Whipping Boy' is something else entirely.
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