Mar 28, 2016 22:48
So I'll start off with the only bad thing. I had that interview earlier today, and the actual interviewing part went great! However, stupid southern football/college rivalries fucked me over. So the first thing the interviewer said was "So you go to ***. I graduated from **. I can't believe I called someone from *** for an interview" (Rest of interview I nailed) One of last things interviewer said --> "I've had quite a few people submit resumes, but not many actual HR majors. I have an interview with so and so. She goes to **..."
Like really? Why did you bother scheduling an interview with me then? I've slept 4 hours the past 3 nights. I could have stayed home, cuddled with Daisy, catch up on sleep, and marathon Criminal Minds instead of making the drive.
A little off topic, but I looked really hot today. I pull of pencil skirts very well. I'm a little peeved about the interview, but it gave me an excuse to put on make up and dress nice!
I've never been this excited to buy home goods! I don't want to carry a bunch of stuff, so I'm gradually getting things together for my apartment. Today, I got shower curtains, bath mats, hand towels, glasses, a cutting board, a set of knives, and a new coffee mug! When I'm there, I've been skipping around my almost completely barren apartment in complete joy, slowing filling it up with stuff. But I want new furniture. I think it's time to become a cam girl and have creepy people order me things from an Amazon wishlist. Okay, I wouldn't actually do this. I don't know how to work a webcam.
So John and I made plans this morning to have dinner when I got back in town. I didn't want to freak Daisy out by coming home for a short minute to change, and leaving again, so when I got in town, I went straight to his house. He lives next to Greek Row, so parking is atrocious. That street also happens to be the way to the bars, so it's covered in glass and other debris. Wearing a pencil skirt and heels in this death trap, he had to help me get to and from my car so I wouldn't trip on glass. Fun, but not particularly eventful, we went to get pizza, chat, and went back to his house. He has the cutest kitty in the world! Her name is Jackie, and she let me cradle her like a baby. I met his 3 roommates, and they were really nice. Then out of no where, he went in for the kiss. I didn't mind, but I wasn't expecting it, and I was cradling and baby talking a cat. Turns out John has a weakness for pencil skirts. So now, John and I have decided that Thursday evenings are our set time together. Also, I received all three roommates seals of approval. I'll take that to mean I can come play with their cat when I want.