Mar 22, 2016 17:47
Originally, I wasn't going to move into my new apartment until May 1st.I needed to get some money together, and the last week of school is the first week of May. But earlier today, the apartment complex called my parents, and told them they were running a special (Obviously, they have much better credit and higher incomes than I do, so they've been doing this whole process with me). Apparently, they've been having a hard time renting out the large one bedroom apartments. So my parents went over there, facetimed me to show me the place, and now I get to pick up my new keys on Friday!
The apartment I was originally going to move into was a small one bedroom on the second floor, facing the river, and had a fireplace ($650). But since they're trying to rent out the big one bedrooms, my rent is $600 now, and first month is free! Other than cheaper rent, the new room is exactly what I was originally wanting. Now I'll be on the third floor facing the river. Since the buildings are only three stories, I won't have to worry about noises from upstairs neighbors, and Daisy barking all night. The lack of a fireplace also makes me happy. I'm not good at things, and don't trust myself to not accidentally burn down the entire building. Plus, I won't have to figure out how to mount my TV on the wall!
At first, when my mother called and told me, I panicked. I'm pretty broke right now, and don't have the money for all the deposits. But her and my step dad were in love with the place, and on top of paying my bills, they've already put a deposit down for me. My mother says it's worth it. My apartment has the perfect view for July 4th fireworks, and the only condition is that I let her invite her friends over to watch. And now, I don't have to pay for a Uhaul! I can gradually move everything over the next 6 weeks. I am so happy and thankful for my family!