(no subject)

Oct 15, 2007 12:31

I finished my lab report for optics (I always forget about these until the day they are due, not that I could be bothered to do one sooner anyway), and I haven't even started on my quantum homework... but at least I looked at it, right?

I spent last night with Austin, and I really wanted it to be good, but it was just sort of okay, which, all things considered, is much better than not okay. I wore a dress and cute shoes even though we were just going to have dinner at his place and then chill. He danced with me. I miss having silly fun days with him; everything recently has been so drastic, dreary, and depressing.

I've been feeling a lot lately like I'm not allowed to say what I think anymore. Everyone is so bloody sensitive and people take everything personally. Besides, everyone thinks they're always right. Granted, most humans are guilty of this, and so am I. I think that I'm right until someone shows/tells/proves me otherwise, but that's just the thing: I'm willing to bend, to accept the fact that maybe my opinion or my idea of how something is or should be is not perfect, maybe it's just completely off base. I've also been feeling a lot like almost everybody takes offense to everything they can possibly manage to take offense to. It's like people are just searching, yearning for a reason to feel mistreated so that they can whine about it. Get over yourselves.

I'm still not having the best of times. It's October. My NSF fellowship application, should I choose to submit one, is due November 8. I'm fairly convinced that I'm not going to get it, but it would be sort of stupid not to apply anyway. For that matter, my graduate school applications are due as early as December and as late as January, which means I should at least fucking decide where I'm going to apply (schools AND specific programs).

I think that next semester I will take Advanced Calculus (if that means nothing to you, it's basically an introduction to real analysis; if -that- means nothing to you, don't worry about it) just for fun. My math minor is complete, and my physics major is 3 physics courses short of complete. I'm almost done, but I just want to learn some math. I'm not really qualified to be taking that class, but I think I could tough it out, and in the worst case, I'll drop it. The professor who is teaching it is Prof. Kohler, whom I had for Complex Analysis last semester and enjoyed immensely, and he will be using this book, which is supposed to be fantastic. I've also decided that if I take this class, pass it, and find that I really enjoy analysis, I'm going to go into some field that involves at least some analysis, or at the very least, I will take analysis classes in graduate school so that I can do what I like for once. On the other hand, if I hate it with a passion, I will just quit my bitching and become a regular engineer.

college, grad_school, physics, math, superman

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