Yeah, I know this is Saturday. Just play along, please.
1. So, while I was in line at Pet Smart (had to get Christmas present for dog, of course), I struck up a conversation with the man behind me. He works at Best Buy.
"So, do you have a lot of Wiis?'
"Nope, haven't had any for days."
"WHAT???? Little guy is so excited for Christmas because he's getting a Wii. There are ads in all the papers. What should I do?!!!"
NEXT DAY: Panic mode
"Hello, TRU."
"Do you have any Wiis?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"How many?"
"A lot, a box full."
"I'll be right there."
"I'm here to buy a Wii."
"Sorry, Ma'am, we haven't had them for days."
"No, I called."
"Who did you talk to?'
"I don't know. (Staring match) I'm not leaving til I get a Wii." (Half kidding, of course.) I HAVE TO GET THAT TOY. My little guy's birthday is Christmas. Last year he didn't get one even though I had inside people."
"Ma'am, we're getting some in on Sunday."
Sigh... "What time should I be here? How many are you getting?"
"I'll be right back. I have to ask my manager."
"I'll be right back in just a second, Ma'am. We were not aware."
"Here you go, Ma'am. Would you like the buyer protection plan for 6$?"
"Excuse me?"
"I guess there was some kind of miscommunication. I was not aware that we were allowed to sell these."
(Heard yelling from office) "#$%# blah blah blah Wiis blah blah @#$$#"
"Wow, those doors are thin."
(From other guy) "Hey, we just got in a new box of Mario Cart."
"Here, Ma'am, you'll need this. This is the hardest game to get."
(People start running up to get the game.)
"You might want to take this to your car right away."
Lesson learned: It pays to be persistent! I was so ready to leave the store and come back at dawn on Sunday.
2. Went to Scholastic Bookfair's Warehouse Sale on Thursday. Bought entire box of books. Got two books for me.. to read over the holidays. Bought several books for little guy... mainly, to gauge his reaction. Found uber-cool art books for the Art Appreciation Program.
Hugs to
tamra_wight for talking about the sale in a post. I love a sale!
3. DD got THE NOTEBOOK GIRLS from her friend for Christmas. I just ordered this for DD.
Says "EAT. SLEEP. READ." from CafePress.
4. We are starting to finalize After School Enrichment classes that I'm teaching/creating for this winter.
First class will be: Summer Arts and Crafts - incorporating some of the same crafts I used two years ago. Focusing on recycled crafts. I mean, summer crafts in the death of winter... how fun is that?
Second class will be: Cartooning: Creating Monsters, Super Heroes, Aliens, Fairies, Princesses, and Cute Characters - incorporating some of the sketching and brainstorming exercises I've been using in my Art Appreciation Classes.
A friend is running the program this year, so I had to say "yes" when she asked.
5. Outside lights are still not up. Neighbor said that it'll be -30 degrees tomorrow. Hmmm... we have about 6" of snow out there. Maybe I'll go work on the cards!
6. I don't think I have a 6. Sending my best wishes to everyone that still has a million things to get done before the holidays... like me.