Sep 19, 2007 22:09
hey pals,
pass it on!
big kid "snowcoming" (homecoming) weekend is coming up and you should plan to be there!
first off: big kid snowcoming kickball game
friday, october 12 at 5:30pm at lincoln park (between 10th and 11th on mariposa)
bring your own tailgate starts at 5:30 (beverages, food, etc.) and the game starts at 6pm! the theme of the weekend is fall vs. winter, and the teams will be reflective of that. but, we pick seasons there, so be prepared to fight for either side! bring signs, foam fingers, whatever!
then, what you've all been waiting for, big kid snowcoming dance!
saturday, october 13th 7pm - 1am??
location tba
the dance is a benefit for the denver zine library - so, suggested donation is $5, or if you're travelling in a 3-some pack, then the suggested cover is $12 for the whole ensemble. come dance the night away, get your picture taken, spike the punch, whatever suits yer fancy