Yep, it hates me
I SPEND ALMOST ALL DAY trying to guess what the track said and then when I was finally free...
Internet collapsed =_=
I'm really sorry to all the people I was talking to last night ^^U (nine-chan, kazu~, manis, jubei, andrea)
I'm in class, so I need to pay attentio although I hate it XD
Excel~~~ D:
Byebye, please take care and keep warm, IT'S SO DAMN COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does someone want to make some money on the web???
Please click here to join (You need to open an account on Alertpay but it doesn't take more than 5 minutes XD)
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I have no idea if it really works, but I have nothing to lose XD
And please don't delete my name cause it makes you my referral ^^U