Jan 15, 2009 20:01
how CT-KT producers manage to keep Kame and Jin away from each other XD!!!!!!
I've just finished watching Cartoon KAT-TUN episode from yesterday and... yeah, I almost thought they would let Jin and Kame be AD ¬___¬U
But it's ok u.ú... we're used to this u___ú
Taguchi didn't deserve last place ¬___¬ he cheated but still, he won over Maru, he should have been placed on 2º place ¬O¬
I wanted AkaKame AD ;O;!!!!!!!!!
*throws a tantrum*
Ok, ok u.ú... I've been lazy this evening
My throat is sore ;_; and I had to re-arrange the living room in the morning, and I'm kind of tired from yesterday.
Oh, I'm off, Law & Order SVU has just started~