2 days ago I broke my foot. The long bone in my left foot. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me and it has occured in the same place. I only just got out of the friggin backsalb, I REALLY didn't want to go back in it... I'm NOT amused. I have to wait 48 hours for the plaster of paris to dry before going back to school, so tomorrow... back to the HUGE upper school that they call a community college. Already my palms are blistering over, as well as my unbroken foot, while carrying a heavy school bag on my back. I'll get over it I guess. Its happened before.
Yesterday I said to Mom, "I could really imagine myself with my lower leg amputated."
I've been reading SNICKER fanfics and some are really good. I'm also reading this book called, 'A Child called It' by David Pelzer, I can heartily say that I can recommend it to anyone looking for a good read. The story is about how DP was abused as a child and how he tried to escape. When my Mom read it she cried. If I said I cried I'd be lying but it is so good. You just have to read it for yourselves.
On the snickers thread TalkCSI we are almost on thread # 4. I and few others who are called Snickers Veterans who were there from the very first thread are telling stories of how it was in the days of yore. *lol* I can't believe how fast this ship is moving, good thing I don't get sea-sick. I'd go to hell and back for this ship to happen.
Your Summer Ride is a Toyota Prius
Sure you're a little sensible and quite green
But no one enjoys outdoors more than you do!
What's Your Summer Ride? Your Daddy Is Darth Vader
What You Call Him: Pa
Why You Love Him: He takes you to church
Who's Your Daddy? I think I'm destined for the Dark Side of The Force (a.k.a. the Snicker side of the Force)