Mar 07, 2009 01:01
"Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum."
- Graycie Harmon
Crap. You guys, I have a problem.
It's funny, actually, that I refer to it as a problem. It is only in writing that having too many ideas becomes a problem. Anywhere else it would be a solution.
If you read my fanfiction then you know that I'm at a crucial point in my story, Changing Directions. I love this story very much, and I know where I want to take it. In fact, I've had the epilogue written for over a month now, and a few weeks ago I jotted down the outline to get there (which may not seem like a big deal, but I usually write page-by-page - what I mean is, I let the story go by itself. Whatever comes out, I go with. But with Changing Directions, the story told itself in a very short amount of time). So, obviously, that's not the problem.
The problem is that in between writing Changing Directions, a collection of crackfic drabbles inspired by Changing Directions, and any oneshots that I have to let out before my brain explodes, it's sort of a lot. And I'm just not one of those people that can work on two things at once - I mean, I can multi-task, sure, but not really when it comes to writing. I know my limits.
(Note: I don't consider writing oneshots as well to be multi-tasking, because, in general, when an idea for one comes to me it takes less than hour for me to get it out, and another to edit and such. This is opposed to the days it takes for me to flesh out a chapter of a longer fic.)
And the thing is, Changing Directions has actually given me different views on a lot of characters. The Denali clan being the most prominent, because we don't really hear much of them in the books. I don't know how they came out the way they did in Changing Directions, but I like them that way. But at some point while I was refining them, they sort of...ran away with themselves.
Suddenly I had this idea - the big, brewing kind that you can't ignore - and I could see an entire story unfolding in my head. I quickly typed up an outline, but in my anxiousness I forgot about my multi-tasking rule.
I don't know what to do. On one hand, I'm not going to be finished with Changing Directions for at least a few weeks (yes, it's that far in, y'all), and I have a feeling that if I start another story it will get even harder to finish, and altogether too much to be responsible for. On the other...well, this little brewing tale is growing bigger by the minute.
Suggestions, anyone?