Okay, so: Skins.
It's sort of HBO on crack. Well, no - I mean, it's racy and it's intense and there's a whole lot of shit that you wouldn't think could ever happen, but it does. Each episode focuses, generally, on one character, which causes major development. You get attached to these guys like you know them, and they're all great actors so there's never a moment where you don't. It's shot sort of rougher than most glossy American shows, which just makes it all the more real.
Basically, Skins is the lives and loves and lusts and drugs and parties of a bunch of British kids, and even at it's most absurd it still manages to pull you in. It's funny, and sweet, and sexy, and completely awesome. And, in case you couldn't tell, I'm sort of obsessed.
On to the lists, 'cause y'all know I love 'em.
Six characters that will rock your world:
1. Tony. Because he's mean, manipulative, horrible, gorgeous, a liar, a genius, and a boy. Yeah, he makes mistakes - and most of the time, actually, he makes them on purpose. But he's also totally real, and sad, and the kind of person you know you shouldn't be with but you just can't help yourself.
"I literally want to be Elvis. Yeah, you know, sing rock and roll, become The King, die on a toilet. I think it's romantic."
2. Sid. Because he's the boy that you'd love to love, but no one seems to realize that.
"It's not a nightlight! It's a glow in the dark Batman...it's retro."
3. Michelle. Because even though she's a bitch sometimes, she's also pretty fucking badass. And she knows who she is, and that's pretty admirable, I think. Plus, she kicked Tony where the sun don't shine. That's also pretty admirable.
"Tell me like you'd die for me! Like nothing else matters, like your world stops turning because of me! Like you mean it, you little shit! Go on."
4. Chris. Because every word out of his mouth is funny - and if it's not, it's insightful in a way that you totally don't expect.
"If Rome won't come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will clap till it does."
5. Cassie. Because she's crazy, but at least she's herself. I mean, we're all a little crazy, right?
"Oh wow, I didn't eat for three days so I could be lovely."
6. Anwar. Because he's sweet and he's learning. And he knows that, so it isn't so hard to imagine that he's real. In a way, he kind of is.
"I want to be a trained killer! Oh, and help poor people and shit on the side."
So, basically: watch it.