Oct 21, 2004 00:59
Okay, so I feel greatly relieved about getting my feelings out on my xanga journal. It is now 1:01 a.m. My darling roommate just asked me if I could type with my light off. (Mouth is now officially zipped shut.) I don't want to ruin a perfectly good start to a new day by being ill at an annoynace that I shall soon hopefully be away from.
I might like having three journals. However, I feel that this shall be the journal that is most ignored, so please check the other two if you haven't heard from me on here in a long time. :-D
Matt, I do not understand how you write all these super long entries! Your imagination is awesome! I bet you dream vivid dreams and I bet they are in color.
At least, I know that is how I dream and I consider my imagination to be fairly active.
Ugh! I am an Indian, AGAIN! Don't you hate it when you get those lovely little zits right in the middle of your forehead? IT IS SO ANNOYING! I know you all wanted to know that, but tough. My dad loves to poke fun of me about my frequent Indian-ness. It looks like all I have to do for Halloween is deck myself out in Middle Eastern where and I will be set. (Okay, it is late, if anything is wrong with that, please do not rag me.)
Officially time for bed. Goodnight! ~Anna