Get to bed, PLEASE!

Dec 03, 2006 23:48

We have this problem that has become chronic. I keep asking the husband NOT to let our boy take naps anymore because he will not fricking go to bed before 10:30 pm. I can put him there, sure, but he'll just cry and/or screw off with his toys. The latter I don't mind as much; it's the screaming and crying that annoy the piss out of me.

So the doctor says cut his naps, but no, my husband cannot seem to get this thru his skull. Sometimes it's just easier to let the baby stay up until he falls asleep on the couch. All of this makes me feel as if I am failing to control my child. But moreover, I am fucking tired and sometimes I would like to go to bed, which I am not comfortable doing when the baby is still awake. And okay, he's not technically a baby anymore I guess, since he is two. But he's a baby to me.

I just want some time to relax at night, for god's sake. Tonight I got him out of the bedroom and gave him a sleepy time aromatherapy bath. That seemed to help.

The doctor's other recommendation was, on bad nights, to give him Benadryl. On really bad nights, I've tried it. It doesn't work. Benadryl makes me tired as hell, but not my kid. So nevermind that.

Any ideas will be welcomed.

insomniac babies

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