wind and angels and chickens crossing the road :)

Jul 22, 2005 08:35

I have started walking two miles a day with two ladies that go to my church: Bobbie and Nelda.  Bobbie is in her fifties and Nelda is in her seventies.  They are two of my favorite women and I am blessed to get to go on these walks.

I can honestly say that there is no one I would rather be like when I'm older than these two women. Both are so grounded in their faith in ways that I can't yet imagine.  It's kind of like they have their doctorate in God. :)

Last night Nelda didn't want to walk with us because it was thundering and lightening.  So Bobbie and I fearlessly set out on our two mile adventure around Nelda's farm.

After a mile, a sudden wind hit us and Bobbie asked me if I had ever thought about where the wind comes from. (I was trying to think back to high school science classes I had taken) when it suddenly hit me, this most likely has nothing to do with science.

So, I said "no not really."  And that's when she amazed me at her insight and childlike faith.  She said, "well, I've been reading a lot of the Old Testament lately and there's a scripture that compares the angels to wind."  So, she wondered aloud if the wind isn't just angels racing by to shield and love on someone.  I like that reasoning so much better than anything science could ever come up with. To think about angels rushing by each time the wind blows is an amazing thought.  To put a physical touch on a Godly thing is such an amazing atribute.

On another note, you know you live in the country when you have to stop your car and wait for a chicken and her chicks to cross the road! I was tempted to get out of my car on the way to work and walk up to momma chicken and ask her why she was crossing the road :).

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