HELLO YOU GUYS, guess what, I wrote a yuletide fic and I'm going to link it now even though it's almost February and I am ridiculous:
Another Dime in the Jukebox for
tearupthesky (LOLOL REMEMBER HOW SHE GOT ME TWO YEARS IN A ROW, I guess what goes around comes around?????) -- Jason Sudeikis/Kristen Wiig. Saturday Night Live RPF. PG-13, no warnings. 3000 words
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Philly is amazing and when I have any spare time, it's spent doing funtimes and drinking a lot. Anthropologists can throw down. We had our annual formal (weird old academic traditions started by old white dudes) and got to see our chair dance bollywood style in someone's living room, so that was fun. And apparently the museum thinks it's cool to put Santa hats on priceless objects.
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