Man, Yuletide nominations not being open yet is making me so antsy. What are you guys going to request/offer? I reread Wuthering Heights lately and I REALLY want really dark, fucked-up fic, because omg that book has some distressing sexual subtext, but I am wary of asking for anything from a stranger that requires archaic language and/or explicit porn, so I think I'm probably not going to actually request it. In the end my three requests are looking like Parks and Rec (Leslie/Ron), Party Down (Henry/Casey), and SNL RPF (Seth/Amy), which three fandoms make me look like a HUGE LESLIE/BEN SHIPPER so it's kind of funny that I am not actually asking for Leslie/Ben.
(Like ALL the fic in that fandom is Leslie/Ben, you guys, it's so boring and Jammy. I just want some multishipping! Also why is there not more Ben/April/Andy fic? The whole roommates thing is pinging all my buttons. FORCED TO BE ROOMMATES: BEST SHOULD-BE TROPE THERE IS.)
A weird little side-note on Leslie/Ben fic -- the fic is SO manpain centric, even though the show really is not, it's really odd. The funny thing is that because manpain always requires the pain to be SO WAY OVER THE TOP (your whole family was murdered! your sister was abducted by aliens and it was supposed to be you! etc!) because men are of course not allowed to be sad about things normal humans are sad about, it means that the fic somehow has to make Ben being sad over a breakup into something WAY MORE EPIC than it is. No one has ever loved the way he has loved! He loved Leslie so much more than she loved him! Oh, fandom, you're so predictable, never change. If there is not a hot straight white male protagonist with canonical manpain, we will find one of those people and shoehorn it in, because what, are we supposed to treat non-white-male emotions as somehow important? Pshaw!
Anyway, have some actual show reactions:
Up All Night: This show has been so delightful, and last night's episode was the best yet. Maya Rudolph should spend all her time with that baby, the way she talks to her is the cutest.
Community: I have really loved some episodes of the show this season (the Halloween episode! the one with all the timelines!) and really hated some (last week's atrocity). I feel like that show is at its best when it's doing interesting things with narrative and story that actually show something about the characters, and at its worst when it... focuses on Jeff and Pierce, haha. (Also, last week did Jeff really say that the only thing that gives a man's life meaning is raising a son? So... daughters can go fuck themselves, I guess? Jeff, you are the worst.) I also feel like I'm liking a lot of the characters less and less -- Troy and Abed are still glorious but everyone else, hoo boy. Shirley never gets storylines, Jeff is awful, Pierce is SUPER awful, and I like Britta and Annie but I feel like the show doesn't treat them very well and I'm sick of the romantic stories they get stuck in, sooooo yeah. Basically can we lose the white people, is what I'm saying, haha.
Parks and Recreation: I have so many feelings I don't even know where to start. EVERYTHING IS GREAT. I love the way they're handling Leslie and Ben's breakup, and I love the way that breakup isn't the center of the show either, and I love Leslie and Ron's marriage, and how they mix things up so different people interact, like Ron and Ann out of nowhere, and that Lucy came back to kiss Tom. And I love that April and Ann both had super unsexy costumes for Halloween, and everything about April and Andy and Ben living together, and basically I could go on listing great things forever. I just wish that Donna would get more storylines, and that they would just go ahead and write Chris off the show because I do not know what purpose he serves and his thing with Jerry's daughter is just awful. Though he was more tolerable this past week talking about reincarnation with the Zorp crowd.
Okay enough! I am so glad it's Thursday and there's new stuff tonight!