Band of Jonas Brothers

Nov 03, 2009 15:11

Wow, once you get out of the habit of posting, it's kind of hard to ever remember to. Also I'm just not feeling too fannish about anything at the moment, which is weird. I don't even know, you guys, I'm watching and reading a lot of things and enjoying them like a normal person. Whoooooo am I.

ANYWAY, a short post should break the ice, right? So this is just to say that tearupthesky had the awesome to idea to host a BAND OF (JONAS) BROTHERS COMMENTFIC CHALLENGE, which is like the best thing that's ever happened to me. Everyone should go write stuff and prompt stuff, because there's a ton of amazing ideas there.

So far I seem to think that "commentfic" should be 3000-4000 words long (sigh), and have written two easy_academy fics, one Lewis Nixon/David Henrie, grudge sex and one Dick Winters/Nick Jonas (both of those are NC-17).

Also because I'm a retard who is apparently only interested in these crossovers anymore, I made a community for them: bandofjobros. So if you've written any Disneyverse/BoBverse crossovers, you should post them there! RPF, FPF, weird mixes of the two, other characters the BoB actors have played, whatevs, it's flexible.

And someday I'll get around to making an actual real post. Uh, probably.

fanfiction, easy academy

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