I have moved! I am neither lost nor dead! It just turns out that moving is sort of time-consuming. I swear, I got to Kentucky and had to start taking my items out of boxes and it was like, Goddddddd, didn't I just put all this stuff INTO boxes? This is bullshit.
The move itself went okay. We broke the window in the front door, had my crankiest neighbor threaten to the call the cops on the window-fixing guy (who was like, "Oh yeah? I dare you" -- aww, Massholes), and as I was about to drive away from the apartment, our neighbor D. actually gave me a HUG GOODBYE. (This is our neighbor who, for the first year we lived there,
moireach and I thought was extremely angry and nosy, because she was constantly standing outside smoking and being snoopy and loud. Then she started talking to us, and it gradually became clear that she is not angry, but rather has some kind of mental disability? Which just goes to show you, don't be so judgmental, haha. She really is super loud, though. And super nosy. I will not really miss her talking on the phone outside at 1 am, I'll tell you that.) You know what's the awkward thing about your weird neighbor hugging you goodbye, though? When your stupid roommate is in Central America so you can't even text her about it. THANK GOD FOR TWITTER.
Kentucky has been kind of hilarious -- rockstar!bro and the band have been in and out a lot, my dad somehow decided we should have three Father's Day dinners, and my parents have conscripted me into their tennis army (they play, like, constantly, and now I'm on my mom's tennis team and going to her group lessons, idek -- it's super fun, though). And I've been spending a lot of time painting and redecorating, which is very fun but also very exhausting.
(My poor mother -- she helped me paint, which meant she had to listen to my "Summer Jams '09" playlist a lot, and which also meant she inadvertently attended a seminar entitled Theories On Jonas Family Relationships and Also Miley Cyrus, which made her very interested in Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus's duet? I'm sorry, Mom. Also two days ago as we pulled into the Home Depot parking lot she said, "I have that 'Music's in control' song stuck in my head." And I said, "... did you hear it today?" and she said, "No!" Hahaha. Um, yeah, I'm also sorry about getting the Camp Rock soundtrack in your head days later, Mom.)
Anyway, I've been running around so much that I feel like I've barely even been online, which is weird. But this week I started watching reruns of The Bones on TNT, and
boy, that show is a deeeeeeeelight. Like, A) I have never seen cops so in love, and I watch a lot of cop shows. B) They are pretty cheerful for the amount of decaying bodies they have to deal with, which I find pretty charming -- angsty cops get so boring, YES, ELLIOT AND OLIVIA, I MEAN YOU, DESPITE YOUR MONKEY IN A BASKETBALL. C) The way that show doesn't even try to be a real show is AMAZING. D) Yeaaaaaaah, I can feel fic coming for me there. I can't help it. They're pretty into each other, is all. There has already been a lot of food sharing, and textual talking about how they find each other attractive, and her making out with his brother, and I've only seen like six episodes so far. Also, Dorky Angel was always my favorite Angel, and THIS IS A SHOW THAT'S TOTALLY ABOUT DORKY ANGEL AND A SMART AND PRETTY LADY. A++++ I'm getting mad that only 2 reruns are on per day, sooooo yeah.
Allllso I've been using
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