My favorite Christmas present this year was my new stand mixer. Until now I'd been using a handmixer, which, about six months ago, had one of the mixer-thingys break off and which, if it was mixing something particularly strenuous, would start smelling like burning rubber. NOT AWESOME. The stand mixer, on the other hand, is extremely awesome, and a pretty shade of dark blue. The only downside to it is that now I want to mix things all the time. And I've been mostly mixing deserts. So this apartment has been delicious, but I might be on the verge of giving myself diabetes, which -- oh well. Ha. Anyway, yesterday I made
this chocolate cake, which was extremely easy but also extremely moist and delicious. Two thumbs up, mixer and!
I'm almost done reading Camus's The Plague, and it has gotten extremely awesome. On the other hand, I've kind of started slashing the characters a little bit. I'm not sure if this is a natural reaction to the book itself, or a sign that I've been stuck in this apartment too long. (Our reading period and exam period is basically the whole month of January, which is great, since without having to teach classes, I have a lot of time to work on my own research, etc, while working from home. On the downside, I have no classes to go to or people to see, and think I might be starting to go a little stir crazy.) Uh, anyway, Rieux/Tarrou? Anybody? No? Okay, then.
Today, miladygrey wrote a New Year's Resolution fic for yuletide for meeeeeee! And it's PERFECT. It's Narnia, Cor/Aravis, wonderfully in tone with the books, and everything I dreamed of and more for this request.
No Story But Our Own, go read it.
My flist has been great with the linking today. From
Georgia School as a Laboratory for Getting Along, about a charter school that's about half refugee kids and half American kids, that sounds like a pretty amazing place. Watch the video on the side of the two boys who are best friends, it's pretty great.
Also, via
baggers, this clip from next week's Law & Order: SVU:
HAHA WHAT. WHAT. I'm sorry, WHAT? This show has just taken a huge veer into fanon, and I don't even know what's going on but I'm enjoying it. Also, good acting, you two. Also, I think I've read this scene in a fic already. Also, ARE THEY DOING IT, OR WHAT? What on earth is SVU trying to do in this relationship?
Speaking of SVU, I have to say, THAT SHOW, with the serial killers and the rapes and the torture chambers and BURNT LABIA just from LAST WEEK ALONE, has some giant brass balls casting stones at violent television. Way to be self-aware, guys. Also, okay -- that scene where the little 14 year old rapist tells CHRIS MELONI, OF OZ, about how he raped a little boy because he'd seen a dude having sex with another dude on a prison show... well, it was an extremely weird moment. Is Chris Keller really the person to take part in blaming crime on violent scenes of prison rape?? Because, um.
And finally, via
first pictures of Mulder and Scully from the new movie. IT'S SO WEIRD YET AWESOME. I'd feel like I was time-traveling, except for how they look kind of old. :-( I really hope this movie is good, you guys.