(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 07:06

I'm sick.

It's been a long time since I was sick. I can't say as I have missed it. I blame my failure to go to the gym regularly on my current state of ill-health. I'll have to rectify that when I am well again.

I went to work anyway yesterday feeling like crap, and ended up coming home early for my troubles. My boss is back in today for the first time in 3 days (she was traveling) and can I just say she was on a tear the whole three days she was out, yesterday especially.

So I have chills and body aches and a sore throat and I'm tired despite 7.5 hours of good sleep. Yup, sick. Back to bed for me.

On a completely different topic, this cold snap they keep talking about, the one thought that keeps ringing through my head (as I am a weirdo, mostly, I guess) is based on something that the Australians (I think) use to measure the chill of the evening. They measure the cold in terms of how many dogs they had to sleep with to stay warm, which is where that 60's band "Three Dog Night" got its name, meaning that it was a quite cold evening. Anyhow, that was a lot of lead up for a pretty stupid thought, but oh well, anyhow, I keep thinking (and amusing myself every time) that I hope it doesn't get *that* cold, as we only have two dogs.

I know, I know, I need to get a life, or rent one, or try looking for one on ebay. So I'm easily amused. So sue me.
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