Au revoir, l’enfant terrible

Sep 22, 2010 07:18

So it shouldn’t shock you that, once again, Gossip Girl decided to blow a great storyline in one tiny little episode. The Great Does Chuck Bass Really Have Amnesia? question was not even ASKED by the show! If I were running that thing, I’d've called into question his memory loss for at least one episode, if not two, before revealing that he was a Faker McFakerton faking his fake amnesia. UGH! YOU GUYS! STOP THAT! YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF STORIES!

Anyway. So I stopped watching this show for the non-Chuck/Blair storylines a long time ago, but this episode I couldn’t stand to see Dan’s face, so I literally fast forwarded through every scene that didn’t have one of my two little monsters in it. Which means I missed a lot of the episode-or, rather, didn’t miss. I did catch a few things. Like how Rufus is SO HULK SMASH about Georgina’s supposed faking of Milo’s paternity test that he, get this, refuses to go help his wife create a nursery for his GRANDSON, the SON of HIS SON who is a BABY and also LIVING IN THE LOFT THAT HE OWNS. As always, stellar parenting, Rufus! And Lilly sent her daughter, who is wearing an OMG ridiculous outfit (think drag queen linebacker from the mid-eighties), to go IDENTIFY THE DEAD BODY of HER STEPSON! And then Serena runs around town in that get up, teaming up with Inspectors Chevalier to help solve the mystery of the missing Basstard and his stolen sparkly jewel. This show is a parody of a parody of a parody of itself, you guys. WOOF.

Other than that, Nate Serena Vanessa Dan something something blah blah blah. God, they are so boring. I did catch the end, where it turns out that when Dan and Nate actually think about it for a second, neither of them wants to date Serena! LOL.

I guess the scene in the gare with Blair and Chuck was sweet, in a way. And gorgeously shot, as is obvious from the screengrab above (courtesy of the youknowyouloveme peeps). Fleur Delacour is no match for Blair on a mission, so I can’t even be too concerned about Chuck dragging her back to the UES with him, even though, if Fleur and I were girl friends, I would call lying about your identity a dealbreaker. Blamo!

Still, this will always be the touchstone of this show:

Can’t wait till they’re back in business. I mean, Bass-ness.
Originally published at


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