Jun 22, 2006 09:57
So yesterday, I was giving Anna a bath. She did pretty good, She sure loves to try and turn the knobs on the shower part of the tub. One of these days she's gonna get a big shower surprise heh. After the bath, I took her out and dried her. Took her into her room and got her little robe on and let her run around a bit while I went back into the bathroom to tidy up. (Frogs & Sea toys will be tripped on by adults in the shower heh)
SO I come back out. And she's pulled out some clothes out of her laundry pile. (clean laundry goes on the floor currently) She had her flowery hawaiian dress that her grandparents brought her from Hawaii a few months ago. She was trying to put it on. To the best of her 16mo ability. Meaning around her neck. On one arm, sorta tangled. So I asked her, Oh do you want to wear that? It's very pretty. She said, peetee. I said what's that sweety? (She doesn't talk much but she's starting to form words a bit more. Everythign she loves is Da-da right now. Including her Daddy AND mommy) I put the dress on her, because she wanted to wear it. Then I set up the mirror so she could see herself. She kept saying. Very peetee, peetee very peetee. It was SO adorable. Little girls really are, little girls. hehe. It's amazing.
Little story from life as a happy mom.