DING lvl 1

Feb 13, 2006 11:22

Almost there, almost a whole year of keeping my lil munchkin alive!
WOOT ME!! So Annaise is lvl 1. I can still see her in my mind as so small she couldn't lift her head to turn it. But that sure didn't last long. She's definately strong :) She's walking now. Toddling more appropriately hehe, sometimes she looks like a little drunken sailor. She's going along and the leg kicks out to keep her balance or the lil feet stumble. So cute! Her feet are lil hands it seems heh. She puts her feet on everything. When im trying to feed her in the high chair, her lil foot creeps out, very gymnast like.. Next thing ya know the foots getting a bite of banana's. heh.

DING Lvl 1

your skill in walking has gone up (50)
your skill in Dolphin squeal commands has gone up (55)
your skill in makeing adults act like idiots has gone up (100)
your skill in speech has gone up (50) Da da Da Noodle.
your skill in pincer grasp attack has gone up (75) OUCH!
your skill in teeth has gone up (6 4 tops 2 bottoms) CHOMP!
your skill in eating a variety of food stuffs has gone up (66) MMM Cake is squishy in the hands!
your skill in eating meat has gone up (50) (big dilema for me on this one. For a while I really thought it would be best if she were vegetarian, so that she could choose what she wanted to be later on. But with P@ being wheat/gluten-something, and Dairy intolerant. That already cuts a lot of other things out of her diet that isn't easy for me to make up for. So Parents eat meat = Baby eats meat too. Ok. /shrug.
Your skill in making your mommy go Awwwww has gone up (75) So damn cute! :)

I've been reflecting a lot of course on the last year, being able to be at home with her and take care of her has really been awsome for me. I've been thinking a lot about her birth. I'm still so greatful that Herongrrrl and invisobabe were there when she came. As I reflect I know I was able to ground so much better by having you both there. Im so glad for the people that came to see us Avaylee n' her sweety.

Anyhoo.. /weepy gush gush lol :)

SO Level 1 Annaise Baby Princess!! :D
Tomorrow :D knocks on wood ;)
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