This is what it sounds like when 200+ people sing with their eyes closed

May 10, 2013 12:44

Don't suppose this is gonna mean anything to anybody but me, but hey, it's my lj :)

Anybody remember about a million-jillion years ago I wrote an H/D story where Draco is a choir director in Ireland? I did this thing where I linked to a bunch of choir songs that Draco's choir sings. Most of them were songs that my own choir sang, and some of the files I linked to were recordings of my own choir.

Well, tomorrow is my choir's tenth anniversary concert (and may I say it both pleases and disturbs me deeply to say that I'm a founding member of a choir that is ten freaking years old) and we're singing a bunch of the songs that were mentioned in the fic. And it made me all nostalgic for the fic itself. As well as totally grateful to be part of a choir that sings such beautiful stuff.

Our men's section is currently tiny and... um... not very good. In part because they're so few. But the rest of the choir is sounding better than ever. Our concert tomorrow is going to be gorgeous.

::happy sigh::

In case anybody's interested, here's some links:

Here's a bonus thing we're not going to be singing tomorrow, but was in the Ember to Ember soundtrack (I think Draco sang it as a lullaby? Possibly?) and totally blew me away when we sang it at our last concert. This is what it sounds like when 200+ people sing with their eyes closed.

I'm serious. We were doing the final rehearsal before the performance, at least seven choirs including a children's choir and a francophone high school choir, and the guest conductor (Stephen Hatfield, OMG) had us all close our eyes as an exercise in "truly listening to each other and blending your voices." It went well, we all opened our eyes, said, "Cool!" and then the conductor said, "You know what? That was so good I think I'm gonna have you do it like that for the concert. You don't need me."

We honestly thought he was joking.

Close-up starting at 54 seconds. I'm guessing the one tenor whose eyes are open was from the high school and didn't get the instructions translated to him, poor guy. I wonder if he spent the whole song waiting for the conductor to come back.

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