HP April Fool's, Part II

Apr 26, 2012 13:54

More from the HP April Fool's Fest, in which we all create outside our comfort zones:

  • The Sky Is So Green Today
    Medium: Sweet Home 3D, Apple Paintbrush.
    Characters: Mad-Eye Moody, Firenze, Nagini
    Rating: G. Seriously.
    Warnings/Kinks: None at all.
    Summary: A chance encounter can change everything.

  • I Have A Proposition For You
    Medium: Pen & pencil
    Characters: Fenrir Greyback, random werewolves, random female
    Rating: PG?
    Warnings/Kinks: Implied violence, implied death. Also first artwork since middle school.
    Summary: Fenrir and the gang play fetch.

  • House Rules All
    Medium: Pencils
    Pairings/Characters: Minerva McGonagall/Tom Riddle
    Rating: NWS
    Warnings/Kinks: flogging
    Summary: In the game of "which house is best", the first to touch themselves loses. Minerva doesn't consider it cheating if she's only touching herself with a flogger. That's just good fun.

  • Will You Take Me to the Ball?
    Medium: Paper, pencil, colored pencils, crayons, cut up Ziploc bag, gluestick, and MS Paint.
    Pairings/Characters: Harry/Draco
    Rating: PG for language (mostly in the Artist's Note)
    Warnings/Kinks: SHARK! Also, off-color humor in the Artist's Note.
    Summary: Harry takes Draco on a tropical vacation.

  • Lumos!
    Medium: Chalk on blackboard, PS
    Pairings/Characters: Remus/Severus
    Rating: R? NC-17?
    Warnings/Kinks: bestiality, unrealistic proportions of male/wolf genitals
    Summary: Severus wants it, tied to the rough fir, the full moon the only light, and the beast prowling the Forbidden Forest. Remus knows what Severus wants. And the beast complies.

  • You Said You Loved Me
    Pairing: Severus/Harry
    Rating: Clearly NC-17
    Warnings: Anal, Toys, Voyeurism?
    Medium: Pencil, Colored Pencils, Photoshop manipulation.


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