I've got a little list!

May 12, 2010 00:27

  • OK, late to the party as usual, but weighing in on the Diana Gabaldon thingy...

    Does anyone remember when Anne Rice went all strainy with her Dickensian principles (whatever the hell that was supposed to mean)? I think the best reaction I read to that came from Neil Gaiman: "I think Anne Rice going on Amazon and lambasting her critics was undoubtedly a very brave and satisfying thing for her to do, was every bit as sensible as kicking a tar baby, and, if ever I do something like that, please shoot me."

    I actually think Gabaldon has every right to feel how she feels, and to tell her readers, "Please do not fanfic my stuff. If you do and I find out, I will sic my lawyers on you."

    Simple, concise, and to the point, covering her copyrighted heinie, avoiding calling her fans rapists and thieves, and possibly less likely to make her look like a complete and utter tool.

  • Speaking of looking like a tool, someone on my flist linked to this, and I swear I nearly peed laughing. Things That Can Make You Feel LIke An Idiot Almost Instantly. I ::heart:: my flist. So, so much.

  • HP Weekend Fics! It's a community for fics 25,000 words or more! OMFG ::dies of happy::

  • Ah yes, I also come with fic recs!

    The Leaves Talked in the Twilight, for hds_beltane, H/D, R
    Warnings: mpreg, angst.
    Word count: 24,000ish
    Summary: Just when you think you've stumbled into the wrong magic ritual...

    Scarhead Potter Harry,

    Astoria insists I must apologize for my behavior last night. Your unwanted unexpected visit came as...quite a surprise. As did your news.

    I'm willing to accept culpability, though if you hadn't bumbled in like an overgrown ape stuck your nose in where it doesn't followed Astoria, it would never have happened.

    We need to talk. Please come to the Manor today for tea so we can discuss this fiasco you've embroiled us in our situation. Please respond by return owl.

    Draco Malfoy.

  • Endurance of Life, also for for hds_beltane, Harry/Draco, past Harry/Ginny, R
    Warnings: Vampires, blood-drinking, sex, some angst. This is non-linear and shifts its tenses between scenes, but hopefully won’t be too hard to figure out.
    Word count: 14,700
    Summary: Harry was hit with a curse that the Healers were helpless to stop. Now, on Beltane evening, Harry is ready to admit that Draco was right about the treatment for his condition all along.
    Excerpt: "You sound as though you want to be cursed or turned yourself, Malfoy. Why don’t you go out and get that done?"

    "As a comeback, that’s weak," Draco said. "Besides, you see how pale I already am. Undeath would render me too pale to be attractive."

  • The Green Year, by lomonaaeren, Harry/Draco, PG
    Warnings: Profanity, some angst.
    Summary: Draco’s private Beltane ritual may not be so private after all.
    Wordcount: 4000
    Author’s Notes: This is the second in what I’m calling the Seasonal Processions series, a set of one-shots taking place on the pagan holidays. It may make more sense to read Equinoctial, the story set on the vernal equinox, first, although this one probably stands alone well enough.
    My note: Yes, it does. I didn't read Equinoctial after The Green Year, and it stood on its own very well :)
    Also, although this is Beltane-themed, it is not part of hds_beltane.

  • Haven't seen anything like this before, and am now really wondering why not: Who is Canon!Harry?

    frayach did a poll, then summed it all up, re. what most of us think canon!Harry is like. Not fanon, not the Harry he would've been if JKR had let him out of his metaphorical closet instead of just his literal one: pure from-the-source Harry Potter.

    I swear this should be done with more characters. It's a terrific chance to touch base with what we're all supposedly writing about, yes? And while I adore stories in which our heroes depart from canon (pretty much every Harry/Draco ever written) it's good to remind ourselves of our supposed starting point. If only so that we can think of clever ways around it :)

    Anybody taking on canon!Draco? 'Cause if nobody else will do it, and it hasn't been done before, I will :)


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