Het alert!

Jan 18, 2010 23:39

Second week of posting over at hp_canon_fest is done, and here is another list of fics & pics. ♥♥♥ indicate a fic or pic I thought was particularly interesting - not a value judgment at all, just an unsubstantiated opinion :)

  1. Title: In the Storm, R/Hr, 2,469, R
    Summary: Set several months after the final battle. Things are not going as Ron would have hoped.

  2. Title: In Time: Chronicles, Teddy/Victoire, 17,967 words, NC-17 ♥♥♥
    Summary: Returning home offers challenges for Teddy and Victoire that go beyond mere changes in space, especially as it’s the space between them that seems the greatest obstacle.
    Warnings: none really; just smut

  3. Title: In My Life, I Love You More, Ted/Andromeda, 2183 words, R
    Summary: Her future mother-in-law's words - "Your wedding day will be the happiest day of your life" - echo in Andromeda's mind. Because although she is happy and she has not regretted her decision - not once - there is a heaviness upon her heart that she cannot quite displace.
    Warnings: sexual situations

  4. Title: Love and Shadow, Ron/Hermione, 2,209 words, NC-17
    Summary: The war is over, but Ron continues to fight battles every day as an Auror. As his job begins to take its toll on him, Hermione struggles to keep him whole.

  5. Title: Magnificent, Ron/Hermione, 4850 words, PG 13
    Summary: Ron and Hermione Memorable Moments are shared with some of those they love most.
    Warnings: Large Package of Fluff with a bit of Weasley Bickering ahead.

  6. Title: Date Night, Draco/Asteria, 5,300 words, NC-17 ♥♥♥
    Summary: While out on a date with his wife, Draco Malfoy runs into someone from his past.
    Warnings: Strong sexual content, adult situations, violence (including use of an Unforgivable), and some disturbing content.

  7. My own giftpic!
    Title: I Will Not Leave You., Harry/Ginny, picpost, G ♥♥♥
    Summary: Harry finds Ginny right after the battle.

  8. Title: Missions and Madness, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, 3,874 words, NC-17
    Summary: Ron can’t seem to get a handle around his Auror Training; can Hermione help?

  9. Title: The History Behind The White Room, Lucius/Narcissa, 7,223 words, R ♥♥♥
    Summary: Narcissa accepts an invite from Lucius' mother to stay at the Manor for summer, and, happily, ends up with more than she expected.
    Warnings: First time sex

  10. Title: Giraffe, Ron/Hermione, George/Angelina, implied Harry/Ginny, 4,019 words, NC-17
    Summary: Can Ron leave George behind and do what he really wants to do?
    Warnings: Um, smut, and occasional swearing. Wet!Ron. Wait, do I have to warn for that?

  11. Title: Against the Storm, Ron/Hermione, 2120 words, PG ♥♥♥
    Summary: As the Battle of Hogwarts winds down, Ron and Hermione discover new found strength in each other

  12. Title: Chosen, Lucius/Narcissa, ~4,269 words, PG-13 ♥♥♥
    Summary: Lucius is used to getting anything he wishes. Since childhood, he's been told he'd marry one of the Black sisters, and on his first day of Hogwarts he makes his choice. Unfortunately, his choice isn't remotely interested, and Lucius is determined to find out why and turn that fact around.
    Warnings: Nothings much. Some snogging.

  13. Title: "I Know What’s Mine", Ron and Hermione, 3470 words, RT or NC-17
    Summary: After their last visit was cut short, Ron and Hermione make up for lost time.
    Warnings: None, I guess. Just some naughtiness.

  14. Title: Hands, Neville/Hannah, picpost (plus 335 words, PG-13
    Summary: After a trying day, Neville visits The Leaky Cauldron.
    Warnings: Mild sexual references

Plus two more random recs, not from hp_canon_fest:
  1. Lost and Gone Forever, by madeyemax,Fred/Draco, George/Draco, 7,307 words, R
    Summary: Many were lost in the war, even some of those who managed to survive.
    Warnings: Non-con, post-traumatic stress disorder, post war, AU.
    Rec: Despite loving all the characters listed, I totally would not have read this if not for the author, 'cause, you know, the warnings and the hp_darkfestiness. Heed warnings, seriously. Brilliantly done, though one of the angstiest things I've ever read.

  2. ...and an antidote to the above: The Perfect Solution, by cassie_black12, Harry/George, ~9500 words, NC-17
    Summary: In the post-war world, neither Harry nor George are coping particularly well; Ron comes up with the perfect solution.
    Warnings: Man!Sex, Rimming, fluff, EWE.
    Rec: Can I just say I'm glad cassie_black12 was able to ignore the "tiny, Malfoy-sounding voice of outrage in the back of [her] mind"? 'Cause I could hear him too, but you know, he's not the only one allowed to play with Harry's bits.


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