The downslide of her hottiness

Apr 12, 2009 11:36

Happy Easter, to those of you who celebrate it, and Happy Sunday, to those who don't! (And Happy Monday to Australians, New Zealanders, and time warp dwellers.)

Once again, a set of links that defy classification.

  • First off, another Ravenous Romance book review by Jane, for Making a Scene, by Trudy Doyle. This is the same woman who did the review of the book with the squeebing lady-softness and straining codpiece. And she does have more good things to say about this book than she did the previous one. Then again, I think I have more good things to say about Pit of Voles fanfic than she did about the codpiece book. My hypocrisy, let me show you it: every single one of my fics is up on ff.n ;)

    Anyway, here's two excerpts: one from the review and one from the novel itself:

    • Warning - this is an epic review. And by epic, I mean long. And also full of terms like "joy juice" "muff" and "spunk."
    • "Above the semi-wall of my laptop screen, I can see she looks not only at the downslide of her hottiness"

  • Courtesy of fish_echo, found an absolute treasure trove of weird stuff, including this fic. Am not usually terribly fond of AUs, but this one has sucked me in:

    Title: Switch
    Author: corvidae9
    Rating: G
    Length: 1900 words
    Author's Summary: The Sorting Hat has sorted thousands of students in the course of its life. If it makes a mistake or two, who's to say it's wrong? Certainly not Fred or George Weasley.

    Excerpt: Ron sat next to a weeping girl named Parvati and a clearly unimpressed girl named Pansy, for the most part pole-axed as to how the bloody hell he'd turned out a Ravenclaw.

    "M-m-mum says Ravenclaws don't have time for silly things like nail polish and-and-and giiiirl magazines," she blubbered. "I like girly magazines! I don't want to die alone in a library with a hundred cats! That's Padma's job!"

    Rec: I love watching the events of the books unfold with the main characters in different houses, but I'm even more fascinated by how she takes their canon personalities and... tweaks them, a bit, to show how the kids would act if they believed they were Sorted where they were for a good reason. Cannot decide who I'm loving the most: Slytherin!Hermione or Gryffindor!Crabbe and Goyle.

  • And from hd_worldcup, which I was kinda bummed to have to miss this year, here's a totally brilliant fic:

    Team AU: 20. Close your eyes and think of Hogwarts.
    Title: primum mobile, or ten forgotten things
    Team: AU, baby!
    Author: kirinin
    Prompt: 20. Close your eyes and think of Hogwarts.
    Wordcount: just over 4,000
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None, really.
    Summary: The truth: logic isn't in the lump in his throat, in his stuttering pulse. He needs the certainty of his name on someone else's lips, which means he needs Malfoy...

    Excerpt: When Harry's gaze swings up to Hogwarts Castle, there's nothing there.
    Rec: OMG CREEPY!! Left me all shivery/shuddery afterwards. Brilliant.

  • And! from yay_potterkids! A little!Draco ficlet:
    Title: Sweet Smile
    Author: softly_sweetly
    Characters: Lucius, Draco
    Length: ~430
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Kid!Fluff. I suppose this is also OOC, but I always thought Lucius had a soft spot for Draco :)
    Summary: Draco can get away with anything

    Excerpt: Parchment was strewn everywhere. And not everywhere in Narcissa's language, when he'd left a few coffee cups around the Manor and she made him sleep in one of the guest rooms for a night. Everywhere in the literal sense. Over every surface, every piece of furniture, and somehow stuck to one of the windows with a green substance Lucius would not be investigating any time soon.
    Rec: Aaaawwww...

links, recs

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