e-flotsam and jetsam

Mar 21, 2009 16:39

It's funny when you're looking for something really, really old on your hard drive, and come across bits of stuff you'd completely forgotten about. I found a snippet from a fic whose name I unfortunately no longer remember, 'cause I'd love to read it again, and a post about Goblet of Fire when it first came out in the theatre:

[Elder Kid] actually sat in my lap for all three Triwizard challenges, and the graveyard scene, of course. [Younger Kid] said he thought the scariest scene was the one with the attacking squids, and when I said "Didn't you think the graveyard scene was scary too?" he said, "Oh, no. Because I didn't watch it." Smart kid ;)

As for me... well, I liked it, and didn't mind the huge swaths of bookplot that were left out (seeing as how they had to make a movie, not a mini-series) but was somewhat put off by both Dumbledore and Hermione, to the point that it actually did affect my enjoyment of the movie.

Dumbledore was just weird. Perhaps I should not have read an interview of the actor who plays him, who claims he's never read a single Potter book, doesn't plan on it, doesn't really think much about the character, just "sticks on a beard and plays [him]self." Because for some weird reason, I kept thinking of those lines every single time he was on the screen.

Wait - I know why. Because he kind of sucked.

As for Hermione, I thought the actress who plays her did a great job playing "on the ragged edge." She radiated tension beautifully, and was very clearly barely, but bravely, holding herself together through the unbearable stress. It was just kind of unfortunate, IMHO, that unbearable stress seemed to be defined as "any time Hermione's awake". Oh - except for when she told Harry that Viktor was "more of a physical type". That was cute :)

I just hope they tone down her stress level for the next movie; otherwise, what with CAPSLOCK HARRY and all, it's going to give the viewers ulcers.

Oh, and also: Draco who? I thought I saw a fleck of blond onscreen for a moment, but then it turned into a ferret and went down a pair of Junior Death Eater pants.

Which, BTW, was hysterical :D :D :D

"But -- ah -- the thing is -- I know it couldn't have been Draco that did it because it happened at half past three, and Draco was definitely asleep in his bed at half past three this morning."


"I see," said Dumbledore gently. "And, if one might ask -- how exactly do you know this, Harry?"

"Because I was there. I mean -- it isn't what you think, I wasn't in bed with -- well, technically, but not because I was sleeping with -- I mean, I did fall asleep, but only because I was tired of waiting for -- no, that's coming out all wrong. I was in his bed, but I didn't touch him. Except when I had to. And I definitely didn't kiss him back." There was a horrified little pause, while Harry stared at Dumbledore, mentally replayed the last few sentences, and tried to will himself spontaneously invisible. "That came out all wrong," he repeated, sounding almost as appalled as he felt. It was probably a trick of the light, but for a moment Harry thought that the headmaster's mouth twitched.
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