Aug 25, 2010 10:19
Right, my results are:
Statistics: A (This was done last year, so I got this result then, but it's still one of my GCSEs)
Accounting: C (This was actually an AS level that I did a year early, so it's worth 2 A grade GCSEs
English Language: A
English Literature: A* (Woo!)
Geography: A (There were 2 papers for this, and I'd never even looked at the second, so maybe if I HAD, like in other subjects,I might have been able to get a better score.
Art and Design: B (GUTTED. This is the most important subject for me. We did 4 unit, one of which was an exam-type unit. I got decent As in my first two units, and the teachers were all like 'you could maybe get an A* overall', so I'm sort of disappointed in them for getting my hopes up)
Maths: A (No one in my year got an A* as far as I know, but the year below us did this a year early, so it was at the same time as ours, and a close friend of mine and a cousin BOTH got A* who were younger than us :O)
Core Science: A
Additional Science: A
ICT: Distinction (The course that I did is worth 3 GCSEs, so this is more or less another 3 A grades)
So, if I count the grades and change accounting and ICT to their GCSE equivalent, that's one A*, one B and 11 As :) Everyone's like 'Brilliant :DDDDDDD But I'm not as happy as I could be. I'm disappointed about Art, and I really thought that I could get more A*s than that. But it's over now, so onto the next stage of education I go =P