Happy Birthday,Sis!!

Aug 01, 2007 18:26

Happy 31st Birthday,Sweet Sister O'Mine! (she's not on LJ,but wanted to say it anyway). :)

We went out to lunch at Chili's restaurant (I had Cajun Chicken Pasta) and then we all met up later at the Grandparents' for a dunk in the pool. We had alot of fun,and we might be back again tomorrow with this heat wave hitting us hard. It's 6:30 and the temp is still 88. Sheesh!

I have so much to do around here,but it's been sis' birthday so everything can wait til tomorrow,right? I still need to shop for her though!! I feel really bad that I haven't bought anything for her yet,but with the Ohio trip and everything it just kinda got put down on the bottom of the To-Do List. What a horrible sister I am! *lol*

Well,best go. I have so many comments I need to post but that might have to wait til tomorrow. Glenn'll be home soon anyway...


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