Jul 06, 2007 11:05

Gosh,Friday already? And already the 6th of July--the middle of summer is about upon us!

Tomorrow is the long-awaited 7-7-07,and it just occured to me that my sister's friend who is getting married tomorrow has apparently bought into the hope that 7-7-07 is going to be good luck for her marriage. Hmmmmm... Actually I heard they already had a ceremony in Puerto Rico (?) so they are technically married,but they had several family members and friends who couldn't make that one ($$$) so they are having another ceremony in Arkansas,where they have lived for the past few years,and where sis' friend is a 4th grade teacher. My sister and family took my BIL's parents with them to Eastern Oklahoma last Friday (the closest they could get with their time share),and will attend the wedding tomorrow. They have taken Sydney and Ellie to a zoo and an aquarium,and have done some other sight-seeing things in this past week leading up to tomorrow's events. I'm jealous--I want to go on vacation!

It's already been 4 years since we went to the Outer Banks,N.C. with Glenn's extended family,and I want to do something like that again,preferably without the extended family,but we had fun (and my MIL made all the arrangements and paid for just about everything) so extended family is welcome,too! *lol*

Oh well,let's continue the countdown: Only 9 days until my birthday!! Yay!

And I have another countdown to add to the list:

WOO HOO!! :D I daresay I cannot wait,but hope that this one doesn't skip major storyline events like the last movie (Goblet of Fire) did. The movie was still great, but did leave out what I considered major events,and consequently my hapless husband,who hasn't read the books (for shame!),couldn't follow the story very easily.

Here is the link to the trailer and counter:;_ylt=AuLrAezP8c9Y7jIME5HsDutfVXcA

Oh,and as far as that goes,there are 15 days til the 7th and final Harry Potter book,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows,comes out,and that is going to be a huge day for Potter fans. I still have yet to finish Book 6,because I just couldn't get myself to,but I have no choice now if I want to get and read Book 7! Aaack. :(

Anyway,yesterday was HOT (no other way to describe it) and today is gonna be even HOTTER so the kids and I hit the pool yesterday,and will most likely do the same today. Nothing else to do unless we just want to stay indoors all day. I did some housework yesterday,too,so I think I deserve some pool time. Poor Glenn has to schlep his way through another day at the 'Zone,so I feel bad we get to have fun,but I am still technically working myself: I have to make sure none of the kids drown! *lol* I still have to feed,dress,and clean up after them,too. Another day in the life of a stay-at-home momma. :)

Oh,and I noticed today that I have a new friend charliemc! I am so excited,as she is one of my favorite icon/userpic makers (if not my absolute favorite,and no,I am not just saying that--she made the one I am using today) and seems like a really neat person. I am going to add you back,babe! :) (Oh,and I am sure you know that cutie-patootie Rafael Nadal made it to the semis in Wimbledon--awesome! So did Venus Williams--you go,girl! I watched a bit of her match against Sharapova the other day,and they valiantly fought for one point seemingly forever [though Sharapova did finally win that one]. Great match!)

Well,best go. I've rambled long enough. Have a great day everyone! :)

swimming, tennis, harry potter countdown, birthday countdown

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