Well,It's Kinda Normal...

Feb 15, 2007 10:33

The kids are back at school,though I have to admit I was actually kinda surprised given how downright FRIGID it is here today (8 degrees). Oh well,I know I was ready for them to go back (not only for my sanity but because they don't want to have to go too far into summer) and they wanted to to be able to share their Valentines and show off the new tennis shoes we finally (!!) bought each of them to replace the decrepid old ones they have been wearing since just before school started last August.

We found some good deals at Super WalMart the other day,and the shoes are cool too! I was thinking as I was cutting the tags off of Shawn's shoes that I am glad my kids aren't Label Crazy,and hope they never get to that point,though it'll probably be inevitable that they will be to some extent. Not that I don't want them to have the nicer things,but the longer I can stave it off the better. They are very lucky to have the full closets of nice clothes they do,regardless of what the tags say. Have I written that before? I am experiencing some deja vu...

Anyway,Glenn just took off again. He has the day off,but had a root canal this morning (oh joy!) and came home all numb and fishy-lipped *lol*. His boss was in Glenn's Pekin store yesterday so Glenn didn't get the schedule done,thus him leaving now again to do that. Hopefully he can be quick about it,but even if he gets home by 12:30 we still have to eat lunch and that won't leave much time to do things before the kids arrive home. Oh well,I have several things to do around here,and am never at a loss for projects!

Yesterday was a pretty typical day for us,despite being Valentine's Day. The kids and I were all on each other's nerves yesterday,and I think we all had some major cabin fever going on. I still have it,as the most I've been outside is to go to the mailbox and back,and to shovel. I haven't been so much as up the street since Sunday! We were supposed to attend a pizza party/church meeting last night but it was cancelled and I don't know that we would have gone anyway,though we were kinda expected to. We had bratwursts and potato wedges for dinner,and think we will try to go out this weekend for a little post-Valentine's dinner. A week ago we bought tickets to see Blue Man Group here in April,and that was quite a chunk of change,so that is our Valentine's gift to eachother though Glenn did get me the Precious Moments figurine
"How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You" that also comes with these cute "Sweetheart" candy-like floating candles.

Mmmmm...Glenn was nice enough to get me a cup of gas station coffee on his way home from the dentist,and boy does it hit the spot! I am not a huge coffee drinker,but on a day like today there's nothing like a warm cup of java. I put some hazelnut creamer in it too,and that makes it even better!

It'll be interesting to see how Glenn's mouth does today,and we are supposed to have the Pack Pinewood Derby tonight but with it being so cold and Glenn's mouth iffy we might cancel it. He's the CubMaster and I am his lovely Assistant CubMaster,and I've already talked to the Committee Chair about it,so we'll see what we decide. I'm kinda iffy about whether we should have it or not,though I know the boys (and Erin!) are excited about trying out their cars again. We'll see. Oh yeah! I haven't even written about the District Pinewood Derby this past Sat. Oy vay. Can't keep up!

Here's a synopsis: We went to the derby,Shawn won the first round but then as the field narrowed his car was one of the slowest,so he was eliminated. On the positive side,we were in Sunday's paper! Well,we are in the photo anyway,and I will post it as soon as I can. Uggghh. Something else to do,but I want to share! I am proud of my "Shawnie"!

I've written alot again haven't I? Well,I suppose since it's after 11 I need to get going. I am proud to announce that the laundry is all caught up (til tomorrow anyway *lol*),the dishwasher is run,and the kids coats were washed so perhaps I can actually continue working on those other projects that I never seem to get to. I have old stuff to take out of the files,new stuff to put in the files,buttons to sew on,and stuffed animals that also need sewing up,plus a basement that needs work. Gawsh,that's alot. Oh well,I'll figure something out as I sip my hazelnut coffee...

Have a great post-Valentine's day! :)

household projects, glenn, valentine's day, pinewood derby, hazelnut coffee, shawn

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