Today Will Be A Better Day

Nov 04, 2008 10:50

Well,after a rough day and evening,Shawn was feeling all better this morning so he went to school,and I am crossing my fingers that all three of the kids stay healthy all day today. Erin had a bit of bathroom troubles this morning as did I,and I am worried "the bug" isn't quite through with us yet...

Let's see,yesterday where did I leave off? I had been having some problems with feeling overwhelmed,and suffice it to say I am still dealing with that but I am working through it. The fact that I could take extra-special care of Shawn and still get things done (and WRITE!!) has made me feel some degree better and I'll just have to take it day-to-day instead of looking too far ahead,right?

Speaking of yesterday,I got our bedsheets washed,as I felt I needed to get any germs out so we can start over and hopefully eradicate these ickies out of the house once and for all. Now I need to wash Shawn's sheets...

I went to the girls' P/T Conferences and got excellent reports from the teachers, though both Erin and Kamryn need to work on reading. They are where they are supposed to be level-wise,but they both have the potential to be doing even better so we will be working with both of them in that endeavour. Erin has only taken one AR (Accelerated Reader) test when she could have taken more,and Kamryn needs to work on recognizing the words they have been studying,something I've already noticed here at home. Like Erin,Shawn needs work on reading more books and taking his AR tests,so we will definitely try to become a reading family from now on. I love the Harry Potter series and have been trying to convince Shawn he needs to try 'em out (I've even bought him his own paperback copies),and now that he's even gone so far as to check out a rather dilapidated copy of Sorcerer's Stone from the school's library I want him to read it and take an AR test on it,and have promised him that he won't be disappointed!!

After the conferences I came home,and Mom and the girls were outside playing in the superabundance of leaves. We had 75 degree weather yesterday (!!!) and
Kamryn wanted the rakes so after Mom left I got them out for us so we could clean up the yard. I ended up raking the entire front yard in about an hour (Kamryn did well,but gave up) and now have about 4 large piles that need to be sucked up with the lawn vacuum and/or put into lawn bags sometime before Thursday,when we could expect rain.

Well,my NaNo novel is calling me (I am WOEFULLY behind) so I am going to go!


parent/teacher conferences, ickie sickies, nanowrimo

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