I just feel like I am floating in circles...I have so much I want to get done around here while the kids are gone but I just don't know where to start. I think the basement would be the best starting point,but I have so much upstairs that I want done NOW! I have to be patient I suppose... Today I used 409 on the stove cuz it needed it baaaaad. I still have to clean the oven and the kitchen floor,but am running out of time for that. :(
After the kids go off to school,the house is so quiet that I have to turn on a tv or two to keep me company. ;) This morning I watched Cartoon Network,then had on "Charlie and Lola" (Disney Channel),then Dora. I don't want to miss watching that stuff! I ♥ "Charlie and Lola". :)
This afternoon I've watched SpongeBob (of course)then "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody",and am now watching "The Mighty B". Fun stuff!
Shawn is on his school's baseball team! I think they had just enough kids to make a team,and no one else signed up so they didn't have tryouts,but I think Shawn has pretty decent baseball skills so he should do okay. He is thrilled with doing an extra-curricular activity and ya can't beat that! Last week they had practice after school every day,and in typical form neither the school nor the coach has sent any info home about it whatsoever so I am going on what Shawn tells me. Hopefully the boys get a practice/game schedule today, otherwise I will be writing a note requesting one. That is just ridiculous. :(
Oh! And my neighbors on both sides are bugging me!!! The one on the garage side of our house hasn't mowed his lawn in awhile,and though I know he often works 2nd shift now I have seen him up and at 'em before 2 p.m,when he has to leave,and he was HOME ALL WEEKEND the past two beautiful weekends and yet didn't bother to start up the mower. If he can't do it then it's called a LAWN SERVICE for criminy's sakes! Ever since his GF moved in he's been neglecting things more and more,and this isn't the first time he hasn't mowed it for too-long a time. Even his GF doesn't get her skinny Pilates butt out there to do yard work... =/
On the other side,the neighbor bought a 12-passenger BUS that used to belong to a blind people's group,and it was an eyesore parked out in the street. He is supposedly going to use it as some sort of taxi service (?) so he will be using it,but ack,we don't want it here!! Well,it suddenly disappeared so we thought he had found a better place to park it.
If only we could be so lucky.
As of Sunday it is back,and is now all-white but it is still BIG and ugly. I am going to ask my Aunt,who works for the city,if they can do anything about it,but I doubt it. It's properly tagged,isn't rusting,and won't be sitting for extended periods of time (I'm assuming) so chances are we are stuck looking at it. Doesn't hurt to try,though! I just wish he had to park it in their driveway or better yet,their GARAGE. Alas,their garage is too small... :(
Well,best go. For not feeling like I had much to write I sure did!!