Last night actually turned out to be better then I was anticipating. Went home, actually saw the roomie, ate a little food, read a bit, talk to Jeffy, and headed to church for Ash Wed service. I was a tad late (25 minutes?) but I'm glad I went. It's nice to walk into a room you know so well, full of people you respect and while you are there alone, you are not alone. I went to get communion and while walking back to my seat I passed so many faces that smile for me. It's comforting to know while there alone, I wasn't. After service, I was getting the ashes from Melanie and she pulled me aside and just said "I had a dream you were in seminary." That's all. With so much going through me right now, it's comforting to know she is thinking of me and offering me help along this path I am taking. I don't know where it is intended for me to end up, but I'll continue to follow and trust. After church it was off to Katie's to watch Project Runway and then to the gym for a swim. I was so wound up I didn't fall asleep until 2am!
this was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!
Then there is this
website. My birthday is National Lemon Cupcake Day. What's yours?
Tonight, going for a run then lounging until I get to head somewhere that some band is playing to see the ring! Katie informed me last night though, that she ran into Law School Boy and he is hoping I will be at Bar Review tonight. Ehhh. I can take him or leave him. While really attractive and funny and all that jazz, there is just something about him that I can't put my finger on. And I am not sure if it is good or bad.
Redoing a website, while great fun at the end, sucks when people do not get you what you need. I feel like I have HTML codes coming out of my ears.