New friends, new beginnings

Sep 22, 2010 15:04

Welcome to all my new friends from the
JE Sempai (everyone pre-Arashi) Friending Meme♪

Namely bunny_d_kate, falcom92, goeileen, hlopushka, kowareru_sekai, maiaqistina, nagoya_mewmew, vierran45, x_tsubasa_x3 and yayapapayaa.

I'm really happy to make more senpai fan friends! I hope we can get to know each other more♥

A bit late, but welcome also to the following people who added me recently:
didihime, elizahime, erunosekai, eskarina77, fortuneteller38, standbybee and watthepho970

And the following who idk who you are but thanks for the add (please get to me to intro yourself if possible? ;w;)
miraiaccess, naegi, nitro_plus etc (I'm sorry there's too many people to list so I'm just putting the recent ones)

I'm also here often:
☆KING and JOKER☆(Tumblr)

For now, have a video of Nicky and Higashi singing 見果てぬ夢を (vid's from my DVD where I left it unlisted so no embedding), a song which always makes me feel like nothing is impossible.

To everyone else, I'll reply your comments ASAP ;A; Mid-sem paper tmr =(

東山紀之, 錦織一清, 少年隊, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, , flist♥

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